The Ultimate Guide to Ships in Sea of Thieves

Jessica James


The Ultimate Guide to Ships in Sea of Thieves

In the vast, open-world seas of the Sea of Thieves, ships are not just modes of transport; they are a pirate's lifeline, a floating fortress, and a home away from homely outposts. Understanding your ship is crucial to becoming a master of the seas. Whether you're embarking solo or with a crew, this guide will help you navigate your way through the different vessels, teach you to adapt to their unique abilities, and provide invaluable strategies for ship customization and combat.

Understanding Ship Types

The choice of your vessel can greatly impact your experience in Sea of Thieves. Each ship type offers a different balance of speed, maneuverability, firepower, and crew capacity, tailored to various playstyles and objectives. Let's explore the ship types currently available in Sea of Thieves.

The Sloop

The Sloop is the smallest ship available, ideal for one or two pirates. Despite its size, it's highly maneuverable and easy to control, making it perfect for quick getaways or navigating through treacherous waters. It features a single sail and a small deck, limiting the amount of cannons and supplies it can carry. However, its agility allows savvy sailors to outmaneuver larger ships and can be a formidable opponent in skilled hands.

The Brigantine

A mid-sized vessel, The Brigantine is designed for a crew of two to three. It strikes a balance between speed, firepower, and maneuverability. Equipped with two sails and more cannons than the Sloop, it can hold its ground in a fight while still being nimble enough to chase down enemies or make quick escapes. The Brigantine is versatile, fitting various playstyles from treasure hunting to engaging in combat with other ships.

The Galleon

Sea of Thieves

The Galleon is the largest ship suited for crews of three to four pirates. With its three sails and ample deck space, it boasts the highest firepower and storage capacity, ideal for long voyages and intense naval battles. However, its size makes it less maneuverable, requiring strategic thinking and coordination among the crew to effectively navigate and engage in combat. In the hands of a well-coordinated team, a Galleon can become an unstoppable force on the seas.

Ship Customization

Beyond its practical purposes, your ship is a reflection of your pirate's identity. Sea of Thieves offers a plethora of customization options to personalize your ship, from the hull to the sails, and even the figurehead.

Hull Customization

The hull of your ship can be customized with various colors, making it stand out on the high seas. Each design not only adds a unique aesthetic but can also signal your intentions to fellow pirates—whether friendly or fearsome.

Sail Customization

Your sails are one of the most noticeable aspects of your ship, visible from great distances. Custom sails can feature bold colors, intricate patterns, or represent allegiances to specific factions within the game. Choosing the right sails can make your ship instantly recognizable among friends or feared among foes.

Figurehead Customization

Sea of Thieves

The figurehead, adorning the bow of your ship, adds a final personal touch. From menacing beasts to mythical creatures, each figurehead is meant to embody the spirit of your crew and serve as a symbol of your adventures and accomplishments.

Navigating and Combat Strategies

Mastering ship navigation and combat in Sea of Thieves comes with experience and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your vessel. Below are strategies to help you become a more effective captain and crew.

Navigating the Seas

Efficiently navigating requires knowledge of wind directions, map reading, and situational awareness. Always keep an eye on the wind to adjust your sails for maximum speed. Use islands, rocks, and shipwrecks as cover or strategic points to evade or ambush other ships. And always communicate with your crew, coordinating tasks and strategies.

Engaging in Combat

When engaging in combat, positioning and timing are key. Aim to outmaneuver your opponent, keeping your ship's broadside facing the enemy for maximum cannon fire while presenting a smaller target yourself. Use the element of surprise to your advantage by attacking from unexpected angles or utilizing the cover of night or stormy weather. Remember, a well-placed cannonball can mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Advanced Tactics and Tips

Sea of Thieves

As you gain experience on the seas, you'll start integrating more advanced tactics into your repertoire.

Boarding Enemy Ships

Boarding can turn the tide of battle. It allows you to disrupt enemy operations by damaging their ship from the inside, stealing supplies, or even lowering their anchor. Coordination and timing are crucial—launch a boarding action when the enemy is occupied with repairs or unaware of your approach.

Utilizing Sea Monsters and Environmental Hazards

The seas are filled with perils, from the Kraken to skeleton ships to explosive barrels floating amidst the wreckage. Use these environmental elements to your advantage, leading pursuing ships into danger zones or using sea monsters as cover to escape or regroup.

Resources and Repairs

Keeping your ship in top condition is essential for survival. Always stock up on wood for repairs, cannonballs for combat, and food for health recovery. Efficient resource management during peaceful times will ensure you're always prepared for the unexpected.


In Sea of Thieves, your ship is more than just a vehicle—it's a key to freedom, adventure, and untold riches. From choosing the right vessel to customizing its appearance and mastering its operation, every decision shapes your journey. You're now better equipped to sail the seas, engage in battles, and carve name into pirate legend. Remember, a true pirate is not defined by the ship they sail, but by the way they sail it.
