Fostering Love and Lifesaving in Moonbury: A Guide to Romance in Potion Permit

Chris Burn


Fostering Love and Lifesaving in Moonbury: A Guide to Romance in Potion Permit

The duties shouldered by healthcare workers are undeniably substantial and taxing, whether they refer to actual doctors and nurses or fictional alchemists crafting life-preserving elixirs. Amid the overwhelming task of ensuring others' wellness, having a romantic partner can bring immense solace. In the delightful setting of Moonbury Town from the game Potion Permit, exploring romantic relationships is highly rewarding. This guide will walk you through romancing several characters in Moonbury Town and explain the strategies involved in developing these bonds.

Meeting Romance Prospects in Potion Permit

Selecting a romantic partner might seem challenging with so many locals, but as a busy alchemist in Moonbury Town, your choices are narrowed down to ten individuals: five men and five women.

Female Characters

Here are the female characters you can romance:

1. **Leano**: A tough pirate and fisherwoman.
2. **Martha**: The trustworthy barmaid who knows all the town's secrets.
3. **Helene**: The mysterious owner of an underground casino.
4. **Runeheart**: A determined apprentice blacksmith.
5. **Rue**: The mayor’s daughter and your first patient in Moonbury.

Male Characters

Moonbury Town

If you're more interested in male characters, your options include:

1. **Xiao**: The hardworking assistant to the mayor.
2. **Victor**: The enigmatic caretaker of the graveyard.
3. **Reyner**: A competent handyman carpenter.
4. **Lucke**: A practical character with hands-on skills.
5. **Matheo**: Your competitor-turned-possible partner for those who enjoy some rivalry.

Importantly, these choices are not restricted by gender, allowing for a diverse and inclusive experience. Moreover, you can explore multiple romantic paths simultaneously if you wish to experience different storylines.

Building Friendships to Ignite Romance

To advance your romantic pursuits, you need to cultivate a deep friendship first. Here's the approach:

Daily Conversations and Consistency

Moonbury Town

Regular chats make a significant difference. Engaging with your chosen character every day slowly but surely builds your friendship. This method is cost-free, though it requires patience.

Mastering the Art of Gift-Giving

Handing out presents can substantially hasten this process. The most cherished gift in Moonbury Town is the Moon Clove. Offering one Moon Clove per day to a character can speed up your friendship noticeably. You can obtain Moon Cloves in two primary ways:

- **Completing Quests**: Finishing certain quests can yield Moon Cloves as rewards.
- **Healing Patients**: Successfully diagnosing and treating patients will also grant you Moon Cloves.

Thus, the well-being of your patients is intriguingly tied to your romantic progress.

Achieving Maximum Friendship

Once your friendship elevates to a higher tier, you will need to participate in Friendship Quests unique to each character. These tasks are essential in transforming a friendship into a romantic relationship. Upon completing the third level of friendship, you reach a pivotal point – obtaining the Moon Brooch.

Obtaining the Moon Brooch

Moonbury Town

To solidify a romantic connection, you need a Moon Brooch, an emblem of deep affection. The steps are:

1. **Collect Moon Cloves**: Gather a total of five Moon Cloves.
2. **Visit Silky Stitch Tailors**: Purchase the Moon Brooch from this tailor shop.

With the Moon Brooch, present it to your chosen character to unlock a special cutscene that signifies the start of your romantic relationship.

Relishing the Rewards of Your Efforts

After gifting the Moon Brooch, your relationship will evolve into a regular dating routine. Spend meaningful time with your partner and enjoy the various activities Moonbury has to offer. Although currently limited to dating, future updates might extend these features, potentially allowing your partner to move in with you.


Building romantic relationships in Potion Permit enriches the game, making your time in Moonbury about more than just curing illnesses—it’s also about forming heartfelt connections. As you heal your patients and deepen your friendships, love may bloom in the least expected places. Dive into Potion Permit, and discover the joys of romance while making a difference. Download the game today and begin this captivating journey!
