How to Complete the Fortnite Sky Jellies Challenge

With a new set of weekly challenges available in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1, players are eager to complete them and reap the rewards that come along with it. One of the Week 4 challenges is gaining health or shields by interacting with Sky Jellies. If you're wondering what these critters are and where you should look for them, this guide will help you out!
The first important thing you need to know about Sky Jellies is that they spawn randomly throughout the map, so it can be tricky trying to locate them. However, they typically appear in areas near water, such as Craggy Cliffs, Sweaty Sands, or Lazy Lake. Look out for their telltale purple glow in the sky when you come across these locations!
When you find a Jellyfish hovering above an area of water, make sure to get close enough so that it will give off its healing effect. You can either jump into the water or stand directly underneath it - both methods should work just fine! Be careful, though; if there are other players around, then they may try and take advantage of your situation by firing away at you while you heal up from the Jellyfish!
Another important point is that each time you interact with a Jellyfish, it will only heal up 10 points worth of health or shield points - so if your character has more than 100 points already then multiple visits will be required for full replenishment! Thankfully though, there are usually plenty of Jellies scattered around any given location, which makes this task easier (if slightly time-consuming).
Sky Jellies are small floating jellyfish-like creatures that appear above certain water bodies throughout the map. They have a yellowish hue and can appear as singles or in clusters of up to five. You'll usually find them near coastal areas, riversides, or lakeshores - locations like Sweaty Sands, Colossal Crops, or Holly Hedges often have several jellies present at any given time. To interact with one, simply approach it closely so your character's hands touch its body - doing so will grant you some additional health/shields as well as XP points when completed successfully!
If there aren't enough jellies near your current location, try switching servers in order to find more around different parts of the map; they tend to spawn randomly so there's no guarantee they'll be present everywhere at once! Additionally, remember that only one interaction per jelly creature is possible - if multiple players try to do so simultaneously, nothing will happen until one decides to back off first. Finally, don't forget about completing other weekly challenges while searching for these elusive critters; every little bit counts towards unlocking all those valuable rewards!
Overall, completing this challenge shouldn’t take too long, depending on how lucky (or unlucky) you get when looking for Sky Jellies on the island! Just remember where they usually spawn (near water bodies) and keep an eye out for their telltale yellow glimmer when flying over potential hotspots – good luck hunting those pesky sky critters down!